Color pink is associated with girls. Why?

Color pink is associated with girls. Why?

-      As a child, girls prefer pink and boys prefer blue. If you go to the mart and go to the toy corner, you can see that the toys are sorted by gender. Girls 'toys are usually pink, while boys' toys are blue. Even if you don't want to give your kids a preference for color when they're young, considering that girls liked pink, the color they prefer as a child seems to be innate. In fact, the history of pink becoming the color of women is short. In the Rococo period of the 18th century, a woman-centered culture flourished, and ladies were said to prefer pink clothes, furniture, and dishes. Moreover, it is said that jewelry, stockings, high heels, ribbons and lace, which are now represented as feminine, were used by men in the West before the 19th century to show off their power. However, since the late 19th century, there has been a widespread perception that fancy decoration is done by inferior downstream men. From this time on, it was regarded as an act of “sissy” for an adult man to like a beautiful color or decoration. Still, this perception has changed a lot. Nowadays, men wear pink clothes to the extent that the word “men are pink” is used, and the trend of this s / s collection menswear trend is pretty color, such as pastel tones. The idea of ​​dividing men and women by color is constantly changing and must be changed.


  1. You're right. There is no distinction between men and women in color. We have the right to be independent of other people's views, no matter what color we like.

  2. Is the idea that pink is more colorful, is it originally true? Or is that thought even made by people? I don't know the fact, but i think the latter is right. I wonder your opinion.


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