extra 13 week) What is expected of men and women in home and workplace?

시사/이슈/유머 - 주부의 가사노동은 왜 '무급'으로 따져야 하나
Women must do housework at home, regardless of whether they have a job or not. A woman takes care of a child, cleans, cooks, and does laundry. Men sometimes wash the dishes. And flaunt it. (Even though he did what he had to do.)
I haven't worked yet, so I don't know the difference between men and women. However, men are asked to carry heavy things. Bosses make women do chores such as making coffee.
Housework should be equal. Even at work, people should not assign jobs or give chores by gender.


  1. I think it's the saddest when household labor is described as eating and playing at home.


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