Introduction to Sociology / Race and Ethnicity

1. Summary

-      The classification of races is based on the idea of ​​biological classification of human beings according to the morphological characteristics such as skin color or face. Unlike race, ethnicity is generally not allocated externally by other individuals. Scientists say that race is an objective and naturally occurring division of humanity, and that there is a strong relationship between biological race and other human phenomena. Thus, race is said to be a valid scientific category that can be used to predict individual and group behavior. Some sociologists and biologists believe that race is a man-made artificial distinction and a social construct. The best way to understand race is to recognize the overlap of socially organized boundaries with biological and genetic elements. There are clearly biological differences between races, and the criteria used in actually classifying races are artificial and social.

Prejudice refers to pre-determining something, which is often the negative view of an individual or group of individuals based on social stereotypes. It should be borne in mind that this bias is a belief and may not be interpreted as discrimination. Racism is the treatment of individuals differently according to race, and there are many types of racism. Racism is generally for a small group, but it can also be for the majority of the population. Assimilation of a minority group into a large group can be seen as a form of racism. Race often stratifies society. Race, pollution, and racial marriage are some of the ways race is stratifying society.

2. Interesting

-      Many types of racism were most interesting. Among them, the term racism in the past was surprising, and it is a form of inequality caused by racism in the past, which means that it affects the current generation due to discrimination between the parents. Historical social imbalance is a problem to overcome, so we must try to overcome it.

3. Discussion

-      I know racism is wrong, but people still prefer white over black. What are some ways to overcome this?
-      What do you think about banning racism by law?


  1. It would be better to limit racism to the law than to make it worse. Just as Germany has a ban policy on racism.


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