Introduction to Sociology/Technology, the Internet, and Virtual Worlds

1. Summary

-      Technology is a technology or method used to achieve a goal, such as the production or scientific investigation of a product or service. Technology mainly refers to the knowledge that facilitates production, but technical products can also be said to be the technologies that can promote the production of products or services or help achieve goals. The most well-known of modern technologies is mobile phones. Mobile phones have changed social customs and today people rely heavily on them. Social networks have the advantage of being able to stay in touch with people who live far away, but there are critics that offer a history of unpleasant behavior that can cause problems in their lives. Gender inequality also exists in these social networks. Video games have one advantage: improved visual attention, but on the contrary, there are many disadvantages.

2. Interesting

-      As technology developed, the areas to be studied in sociology expanded. Examples are the technology, the Internet, and the virtual world discussed above. In the future, if technology develops further, the research field of sociology related to this will increase.

3. Discussion

-      The invention of cell phones has changed a lot in our lives. So let's talk about how social networks are affecting our lives.


  1. As the virtual world develops a bit further, sociological theories associated with it will emerge. This is not the past theories, but the present thoughts.


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