Make up class) Introduction to Sociology/Demography

1. Summary
Demographics is a study of human demographic dynamics. These include studies of population size, structure, and distribution, and how the population changes over time due to birth, death, migration, and aging. And demographic analysis can relate to the entire society or to small groups defined by criteria such as education, religion, or ethnicity.
The reason for studying demographics is that sociologists should first use demographic indicators for possible explanations before proposing complex theories to explain social phenomena at a macro or social level. Demographic analysis is the most powerful tool for explaining various sociological phenomena.
Demographics rely primarily on large datasets derived from census and registration statistics. Developing trends in demographic indicators, such as birth and mortality, requires a large set of long-term data.
Because demographics are interested in population change, demographers focus on specific indicators of change. Two of the most important indicators are birth and death rates. In demographics, birth rates refer to women's ability to produce healthy offspring in abundance. And mortality is the finite nature of mankind. The mortality rate in demographics is concerned with the number of deaths at a given time or place, or the proportion of deaths associated with the population.
And demographic changes are models and theories that explain the transition between low birth rates and mortality rates that occur as part of the country's economic development. And overpopulation represents a scenario in which the population of living species exceeds the carrying capacity of ecological niches. Excess population characteristics include child poverty, high birth rates, and low life expectancy.

2. Interesting
이것과 관련해서 재미있는 연구 주제가 많을 것 같아서 신기했습니다.
It was an unfamiliar field of demographics, but I thought it was a necessary part of studying sociology, and it was amazing that there would be many interesting research topics related to this.

3. Discussion
-Do you think the world has a large population?
-How do life decisions affect the birth rate?


  1. Statistics are an important tool in sociology. I learned demographics for the first time through this class. It is useful tool for understanding the people and the world.


  2. I think the world population is large. The overpopulation continues to pollute the environment.


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