Make up classes-3. What did I learn from this class?

What did I learn from this class?

The biggest gain from this class is the interest in social issues. In the past, I've been simply reading news or reading articles on social issues, and I haven't thought about them. However, after I learned about related subjects while taking the class, I consciously thought about related issues. Also, when I saw what I had learned while watching the news, I was able to focus more and see more things than before.

Throughout the course of the semester, I achieved the reason I chose this class, which I wrote on the blog for the first class, and the goals I wanted to achieve in the class. There were three reasons I chose classes. The first was to develop a wider view of social phenomena. Secondly, I wanted to learn about other cultures with interest in other cultures. The third was to learn the background knowledge needed to become a social teacher. Since I majored in economics, I tended to see social phenomena as economics. However, I was able to develop a diversified social perspective by learning knowledge on various sociological topics and learning various perspectives. For example, when thinking about inequality, the first thing was to think about the problems caused by economic inequality and not to think much about other inequality. However, various social factors such as gender, social status, and religion could be the cause. I was able to broaden my view through the approach of various topics. Also, I was able to develop interest in other cultures. Introducing various sociological theories, learning the background on which he was based, so that he could learn the social background of other countries and learn naturally. I think these sociological knowledges have become my background knowledge and will be very helpful for further learning.

Through this class, I was able to learn more than the existing sociology classes. Because I was able to think about a lot of things by not only taking classes, but writing directly on the blog. As I thought about the interesting part or the topic of discussion, I was able to think a lot about this topic. The most memorable was the paper submitted as a midterm assignment. It was impressive to apply various sociological knowledge learned in class to Korean society. I was able to think about the freedom from economic, political, social and cultural aspects of Korea's various sociological events. Representatively, through the Sewol ferry disaster and the candlelight movement, it was an opportunity to think about how society was affected and changed. In addition, COVID-19, which became the most recent issue and was directly influenced, was able to think about how society would change, and what would be the globalization or its impact.


  1. I also think I gained a lot from this class. I learned how to think socially and I think it was a very useful class. I agree with you that the midterm assignment was a useful one because I could think about various things in Korean society.


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