Make up classes: What do you think? Is internet making our lives better? It has dark sides, certainly. Can we make it better?

 It is clear that the Internet makes our lives better, but it also has a dark side. We can get information quickly and easily because the Internet instantly informs us of what is happening to society. Therefore, we can get the information anyone wants, regardless of our status. Also, it is convenient to buy things on the internet without going directly to the store. The advantage is that various public opinion is formed through the Internet. We can hear the opinions of many people on one topic and I can also express my opinions, which can lead to beneficial communication.
 But that also has a dark side of the Internet. As everyone can express their opinions, there must be a reaction of criticism. More and more people are being hurt by people who are making unprovoked accusations and hate expressions, not logical and rational criticism. This is the downside of the Internet based on its anonymity. People who are hurt by this often make extreme choices. The Internet is like a double-edged sword. To solve this problem, the real-name system of the Internet should be introduced, and a filter function should be added to delete inappropriate comments on its own. These will make the dark side of the Internet any brighter.


  1. I feel the same way as you. I think the Internet has a lot more positive aspects, although there are negative aspects. The various problems caused by the Internet anonymous system should be fully recognized and tried to change by society. If we create a sound Internet culture through this process of legislation, we believe that the positive aspects of the Internet will be expanded.


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