Week 12-2. Social inequality

1. Summary

Social inequality occurs when resources in a given society are generally distributed unevenly through allocation norms, causing specific patterns along the lines of people in socially defined categories. Social inequality generally means a lack of equality of results, but it can be conceptualized in terms of a lack of equal access to opportunities. Social inequality is formed by various structural factors, such as geographical location or civil rights status, and is often supported by cultural discourse and identity that define whether the poor are 'qualified' or 'unreasonable'. Social inequality can be classified as an equal society, a ranking society, and a stratified society. The five systems or types of social inequality are wealth inequality, treatment and responsibility inequality, political inequality, life inequality, and membership inequality. The main examples of social inequality include income disparity, gender inequality, health care and social class. There are many socially defined characteristics of individuals contributing to social status, equality or inequality within society. When researchers use quantitative variables such as income or wealth to measure inequality, when examining data, patterns are found that these different social variables contribute to income or wealth as intervention variables.

2. Interesting

It was interesting to talk about inequality in health. This is because I heard the word health inequality for the first time. I learned that health inequality is caused by access to health care. And in countries with a universal health care system, we found that health inequality had been reduced.

3. Discuss

Have you ever experienced social inequality? If you have, please share the experience!


  1. I've never heard of health inequality. I realized that inequality would occur even in the areas I thought were trivial.


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