Week 13-1. Introduction to Sociology/Gender

Image by Sharon McCutcheon from Pixabay free image

1. Summary

Gender is a very sociologically important concept and a strong belief system. Sociologists strictly distinguish Gender from Sex. A Gender is a culturally established  concept that represents a male or female self (or a third-gender self). Sex, on the other hand, biologically means the gender of the body. 
Also, there is a concept called Cisgender. Cisgender is someone who thinks own Gender and own Sex alike, for example, if someone have a male ego and have biologically male body, he is a Cisgender.
Cisgender is the concept opposite of transgender. A transgender refers to people whose Gender and Sex don't match. In other words, it generally refers to biological women with male egos or biological males with female egos.
This Gender, Sex, has great sociological significance. In particular, the problem of sex discrimination(Sexism) is a representative problem that needs to be solved socially, and it still exists in society. One of the long-standing concepts to solve the problem of sex discrimination is feminist theory.

2. Interesting

It is relatively recent that discussions about sexual minorities(LGBTQIA) have taken place in Korea. Also, it has not been long since the feminist movement began, and there has been little change in Korean society. In this document, I was able to further expand the concept of Gender/Sex, and I found many interesting concepts.

3. Discussion

The perception about sexual minorities is still relatively poor in Korean society. Is there an effective way to improve this?

Written by Jaehoon Kim (김재훈)


  1. I think it's an effective way to get a lot of sexual minority narratives in the media.


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