Week 13-1_[is korea becoming multiethnic? why?]

I think so. First of all, the number of multicultural families in Korea itself is increasing. Multicultural families are international marriage families living in Korea, and one of their parents is a Korean-made family.

Korean society began to become a multicultural society in the mid- to late 1990s. This phenomenon is also caused by the active movement of the population between countries in line with globalization, but in Korea, international marriages are mainly conducted mainly by unmarried men in rural areas who have missed their marriageable age (Lee Hyun-joo, 2013). The increase in female marriage immigrants in our country has spread through three stages.

Statistics Korea's 2010 census showed that there were 386,977 multicultural families, and the "feminization of migration" in Asia also affected Korean society, with most multicultural families comprising marriages between Korean men and foreign women.


  1. I agree. The number of multicultural families has increased, and the number of foreigners in Korea has increased. I think these situations prove that Korea become multi-ethnic.


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