Week 13-2. Introduction to Sociology/Race and Ethnicity

Image by Javier Robles from Pixabay free image

1. Summary

Race and Ethnicity have different meanings. Race are physical differences based on biological classification criteria and are usually presented as physical characteristics. Colored races, blacks, and whites, which are commonly divided into skin colors, are a kind of criteria for dividing Races.
Ethnicity, on the other hand, has a different meaning than Race in terms of social identity and belonging. For example, social characteristics such as nationality, tribe, religious beliefs and beliefs, shared language, shared culture, tradition, etc. are the criteria for classifying Ethnicity.
Ethnicitive identity often stems from history. For example, Hispanics and Latino people are both ethnic minorities in the United States with historical origins.
USA is one of the most race mixed nations in the world. But, In the distant past, racial discrimination(Racism) took place in the United States. In particular, many capitalists bought African slaves to benefit from slave labor, and they were once not treated as human beings. So far, racism is one of the biggest problems in the world, and it's still unresolved.

2. Interesting

Racism caused by the COVID-19 virus has recently become a global spotlight. There have been incidents in the United States, Europe, and many other countries where Asian has been victimized by hate crimes. They committed discrimination and crimes against Asians because they belonged to the same race group as China, which was found to be the source of the COVID-19 virus. Like this, race characteristics that are easily distinguishable by the eye are often the criteria of discrimination. This is a major problem that needs to be solved.

3. Discussion

Korea is still one of the countries with a strong single-ethnic tendency. What are the positive and negative aspects of pursuing a multi-ethnic nation?

Written by Jaehoon Kim (김재훈)


  1. For now, there may be an advantage of increased diversity in Korea. However, it is likely that failure to embrace this will only increase discrimination among people.


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