Week 13-2_[Introduction to Sociology/Race and Ethnicity]

1. Summary
This article introduces race/ethnicity. Race is a group of humans considered to be in some way distinct from other humans on the basis of actual or imagined physical differences. Racial classification is based on the biological classification of humans by morphological characteristics such as skin color or facial characteristics. Individuals are generally categorized externally into ethnic groups rather than choosing where they belong as part of their own identity. Concepts about race, as well as certain ethnic groups, are often controversial because of its influence on social identity and how such identity affects someone's position in the social hierarchy.Nationality, not race-related, refers to the social characteristics shared by humans. Unlike race, ethnicity is usually not externally allocated by other individuals. The term ethnicity focuses more on the group's connection to the shared past and culture. Examples of racial groups in the United States are Hispanic or Hispanic.
This article introduces race and ethnicity, and even describes racism.
2. Interesting
I thought race and ethnicity were similar fields, but it was interesting to compare them in detail.
3. Discussion
What do you think is the fundamental cause of racism and what are the ways to deal with it?


  1. I think we can regulate it through the anti-racism law. In Germany, racism is said to be prohibited by law. Of course, the law can't solve everything, but it's likely to be used as a last resort.


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