Week13: Introduction to Sociology/Race and Ethnicity

1. Summary
Race is a physical difference in the human population that is thought to be different from one another in some way, either real or imagined. Racial classification is due to the idea of human biological classification, depending on the morphological features of the skin, such as its color or face. Race refers to ethnic, tribal, religious beliefs, shared language, shared culture, and shared traditions, which are race-related but not physical characteristics, but social characteristics shared by mankind.
The biological definition of race has changed over time. And there were diseases that varied in frequency depending on race and ethnicity.
The best way to understand race is to recognize the overlap of socially constructed boundaries and biological and genetic factors. However, the actual criteria used in racial classification are artificial and social, as shown in the case of the United States and Brazil.
Prejudice is to judge something beforehand. Prejudice involves making judgment on a topic before learning where the preponderance of evidence is actually located. And, to be precise, it refers to judgments, beliefs and views that stem from an experience of maintaining unfair or stereotypes about a group of people.
And racism refers to four different divisions. Race is the main factor in determining human ability, some races are inherently superior or inferior to others, and you have to treat individuals differently according to their classification, and treat them differently according to their classification. Racism is basically recognized by many as a love of human dignity and a violation of human rights.
Racism includes individual level racism, structural racism, cultural racism, and past racism. And racism is generally about minority groups, but it can also be about the majority of the population. The assimilation of minority groups into multiple groups can be seen as a form of racial discrimination.

2. Interesting
I learned about various racial discrimination and the reason for such discrimination and thought that prejudice and discrimination were bad and I should never do it.

3. Discussion
Have you ever actually experienced racism? What are the ways to address this discrimination?


  1. Whites and colored people will have to compromise and understand each other and change the value they think about each other.


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