
Showing posts from July, 2020

Week 11-4. Did you find yourself changing your presentation when you met with different people? Male/females? Attractive/ nor attractive? Others?

I personally find myself changing my presentation with different people. I am much comfortable with females because the conversation topic is more in common and girls are often more compassionate than boys. I find myself more comfortable, funny and soft in front of girls. Also, I become very talkative and outgoing when I'm with people that I think are attractive. I feel desire to appeal myself when I see someone that I like, because naturally you can be more awkward and less confident when you're interested in that person but I don't want to hide myself.  I am usually relaxed and calm in person but attractive friends make me active, which can give me inner energy so I try to hang out with favorite people a lot.

Week 9-4 : Why do people cooperate with others?

Human is a social animal, and the reason why we cooperate is because doing so is usually synergistic. It creates more benefit for less cost and makes our lives easier and better.   Cooperation is important besause if we have to live in a society, we cannot do many things without cooperating with other societal members. It allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits. Cooperation exists at many levels and takes place between individuals and organizations as well as between states and countries. Cooperation allows participants to exchange valuable information that helps both sides improve their knowledge bases and work in a time- and resource-efficient manner.

extra: could globalization collapse again?

I’ve never thought that globalization would stop or collapse at all, because the world was becoming more and more active in communicating via internet. I thought there will be no way to stop it before a world war occurs. However, this belief was shook when COVID-19 started to spread worldwide. It is actually collapsing now in many ways. Coronavirus has disrupted global value chains that connect producers across multiple countries. We can’t go abroad easily since there are danger of infection everywhere. The internet is still connecting everyone worldwide, but I think that globalization can be slowed down and get in trouble if this continues.

(extra) Why is God in Christianity often portrayed as a male?

In my opinion, God is portrayed as a male because ‘he’ has to be a strong feature who can protect human. God created the world and fights with evil, which can be a little rough work for a traditional female image. I believe the old stereotype of gender took a role in bible. Also, the rulers who used religion as a tool wanted to portray god as a man. In many other religions, there are gods who are women but those religions are not as popular as christianity. In the past, there were only men in the governing classes and they wanted women to stay in family life. If you look at the bible, Holy mother Maria is portraying exactly what the desirable quality of women should be except that she’s a virgin forever. Christianity had a huge relevance with politics, so I believe God had to be a man for benefit.

Has valentine's day commodified love?

Valentine’s day has commodified love into something material such as restaurants, jewellery, flowers, lingerie, alcohol, and cards. However, I don’t believe that we can value love or project real love. It is a sweet gesture to exchange a simple, low-price gift, but we don’t need to spend a lot of money to ‘prove’ that we love someone because it only benefits the related businesses. Relationships, courtship to use an old-fashioned word, should not be confined to a single day but should be celebrated every day and this celebration does not have to involve the commodification of relationships through acts of consumption.

Week 6-2(extra). Will 3D printing change the world?

I believe that 3D printing will change the world. Since 3D printing service reduces the time and effort of the manufacturer to create, much more emphasis can be done on the research and design of a product. The manufacturers can invest their time in making a better product as the production time is reduced. Different tests can be conducted before the actual product is manufactured. 3D printing leads to a reduction of wastes and thus, there is no requirement of reducing, reusing, and recycling the waste materials. Therefore, it will benefit the industry that ultimately benefits society by either producing quality products or reducing the price of the products or both.

12-2 Why does fashion change?

Fashion changes because people change what they like. It’s based on mood or personal preference, and that can change based on any number of factors. The other theory is that trends are started and ended by the fashion industry, which makes millions off of people who think they need to be wearing the “latest” thing, no matter how silly or short-lived it might be. Trends are short lived styles that are often fun or rather extreme fashion statements. However, classics are elegant staples and styles that rarely change and look good no matter what other “trends” are going on.

week2-2 Why study history?

There are many reasons why should we study history. First, we can understand other cultures. History programmes address questions such as “Why are other cultures different from ours?” or “Why are some cultures antagonistic, whereas others are not?”. By studying the past, we will learn more about what makes populations tick the way they do. Second, it can Increase our understanding of national identities and societies. as a we will look into how nations were formed by an understanding of past and a common identity. In addition, it makes societies better to learn from the past. Third, we can understand the changes in world easily. History is the study of change and the world is constantly changing, so understanding the role of change in society helps us interpret the world in its current state. History provides us with a firm grasp of why things change, the mechanisms driving change and its significance.

WEEK 2-3 What is more important-our genes or our environment?

Do genetic or environmental factors have a greater influence on my behavior? I believe that certain things are inborn, or that they occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. All of our characteristics and behaviors are the result of evolution. Genetic traits handed down from parents influence the individual differences that make each person unique. However, how a person behaves can be linked to influences such as parenting styles and learned experiences. For example, a child might learn through observation and reinforcement to say 'please' and 'thank you.' Another child might learn to behave aggressively by observing older children engage in violent behavior on the playground. In my opinion, both nature and nurture influence behavior and development, and it can’t be judged which is more important because the experts are still debating on this subject. 

Week 13 (extra)_ What is expected of men and women in home and workplace?

The expectation of men and women in home and workplace is different, and it is mainly caused from the discrimination against women. Men are expected to work hard and show their productivity as best as they can. They are taught to be ambitious from a young age and to conquer the high position in work is required as a natural quality for men. However, women are expected to take care of both family and work, and if they don’t get married or have children, they are often considered as selfish. Even though women right has developed a lot, there is still prejudice and expectation about ‘playing a female role’ of devoting to family. I think we must break the stereotype and give men more duties at home, while encourage women to get higher positions in workplace.

EXTRA) is rising inequality something to be worried about?

Those who believe it’s good, or at least necessary, argue that it provides incentives to entrepreneurs and a source of overall investment for the economy. Those who believe it’s bad argue that it can prevent poorer people from investing in their education and encourage the rich to grab a bigger slice of the economic pie without making the pie any bigger. In my opinion, rising inequality will bring bad impacts on all group of society especially in the economic aspect. First, If there are large numbers of poor people, economic growth may be affected by their inability to invest in education and their lower health levels, among other factors. Second, If inequality “squeezes” the middle class, it may reduce its demand for goods and services. Third, If inequality means rising incomes among the rich, it could see them accumulate savings, which banks can then lend out, so increasing investment in the economy. Or, the rich may use their economic power to lobby against policies that don’t ser...

EXTRA) is korea becoming multiethnic? why?

In the past, Korea was very closed about other ethnics living in the country. There were discriminations against them and people emphasized ‘one-blooded’ connection. However, As the increase of foreign migrants in Korea transform a single-ethnic homogenous Korean society into multiethnic and multicultural one, Korean government and the civil society pay close attention to multiculturalism as an alternative value to their policy and social movement. Also, now we can see foreigner celebrities on television more than ever, which makes us feel friendly about multiethnic society. Therefore, I can say that Korea is definitely becoming multiethnic.