
Showing posts from June, 2020

13-1 extra) Gender Problems in Korea

One of the worst gender problem that Korea has had for many years is an earning discrimination called ‘Glass ceiling problem.’ Glass ceiling refers to structural suppression that is invisible but prevents certain genders or races from going up any further, figuratively referring to a situation in which a person with sufficient ability cannot hold high office due to gender discrimination or racism in the workplace. To look at Korea specifically, According to CEO Score, which surveyed the nation's top 200 listed companies as of September 2019, 39 female registered executives accounted for 2.7 percent of the total. There were 168 companies without a single female registered executive, accounting for 84% of the total, and none had more than three registered executives. However, Korean government is trying to break this, but it has no forcibleness because they are not punished even if they violate the law.  Also, Women's single parenting problem is another main issue which threat...

EXTRA) What toys are marketed for boys and what for girls?

The toy business is one of the most important thing to be changed for gender equality because the industry splits their product by sex in to sell better. It reinforces the old stereotype of gender role, image and reproduces inequality.   Toys labeled ‘for boys’ are always blue and most are typical things that we imagine related to ‘macho image of men.’ On the other hand, Toys labeled for girls are pink or color of flowers, and is related to beauty.   I think it is extremely harmful for young children as they don’t have strong stereotype yet. They almost look like practicing the gender role from the young age, as girls only sits wearing a pretty princess costume and do make-up when boys are playing with active toys. It implies w omen are the ones who cook and care, and men are the one who do creative work .  We must stop dividing what is for girls or boys and teach children it is normal to play with anything they want. I personally think it would help a lot ...

EXTRA) some theorists argue that the growing inequality in some countries could lead to emergence of charismatic leaders and revolutions. do you think this could happen?

I agree with the theory because revolutions always started from inequality through history. French revolution is a great example. If there is inequality, people treated worse are bound to get angry and want change. They will try to take away their pie from the powerful people, and it must start from reforming the head of society. Thus a charismatic leader would gain everyone’s anger into one purpose and start the revolution. I think the social welfare is for the basic human right for sure, but in a different point of view, it is also a tool for society to stay safe and prevent such affair in a good or bad way.  

extra) How are foreigners treated in Korea?

Since Korea is the one- blooded ethnic, there are undeniable discrimination toward foreigners. For example, children and teenagers would call black people in the street ‘Big brother.’ It may sound like a nice word but can be a race insult to them. Another example is that we call Chinese people ‘jjangae’, which clearly has an offensive intent. I don’t think Korean are openly rude to foreigners and most people try to be kind when they ask for something, but the unintentional words and behaviors that separate them from us is a problem. We are doing great in language adjusting and basic manners, so I want to see Korea more sensitively reflect on our unconscious expressions.  

extra) Why men and women chose different fields to study?

In my opinion, it is because of prejudice. some people may argue that men and women is naturally different, but there are many studies that proved there’s not much difference, especially in intelligence. Also, there are many aspect in study that can overcome the physical condition. In the past, women tend to chose fields that can have jobs easy to take care of children. Since the burden to raise children was main task for women, they couldn’t dare to try in many fields. Nowadays, sexism has been destroyed a lot but still the prejudice remains. We need to think that sex has nothing to do with a person’s possibility.

Week 13 (extra)_ What races do you think exist?

To my knowledge, there are many races mainly distinguished by the look. Sort by the biggest standard is Asian, Black, White, Hispanic and there are also specific races varied in these four. For example, we call Korean, Japanese, and Chinese people all ‘Asian’ but each is different races. However, this is just biological analysis. If we look at out ancestors, many races are mixed and we all came from the same root of homo sapience. I think despite the difference in appearance, it is desirable to divide race by culture or the character of society. There is no difference when it comes to the most important values like love, peace. We all feel the same emotions. Every race is equal and must be respected.   

Week 9(Extra) How can we reduce the suicide rates in Korea?

In my opinion, Korea’s suicide rate is high because we are so competitive. One of the main reason of suicide is depression, and it is caused by the feeling of lethargy. People fel into lethargy when they feel there’s no change that can be made. In Korean society, the whole system seems to be designed to distinguish winner and loser, which is really hard to overcome once you’ve failed, and it makes people feel depressed. we have to strongly compete with each other since we are in elementary school. Every parents try to make their children study hard and a child learn that they have to ‘survive’ before even having a dream. It goes all the way through Korean’s life. We have to blame on not the individuals, but social structure that pushes us so hard. Therefore, I think we should make more social security system to protect and encourage people. It will eventually reduce the competitive atmosphere and make us think that it is actually ok to live in our way, we don’t have to die.   ...

extra) What is more important: the actions of individuals or the environment that influences them?

In my opinion, environment has much more power than the actions of individuals. Many problems in life comes from one’s bad habit and it is usually built long time ago. I think habit is the hardest thing to change and that’s why so many people can’t change themselves even though they try to make a difference plenty of times. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to exercise regularly. You would watch the individuals who have succeed in losing weight, which can be a great motivation because you want to follow them. However, it is hard to actually change than when the environment like the whole diet is changed by force. Also, most of the people follow the major opinion in society. That is why the tradition and taboos are different in each countries. Individual actions may change things as well, but it can’t beat the general move of public.  

Week 2 (Extra) Why do people work?

People work because they need to live. There are many aspects of living. First it the literal walking of life. A person have to earn money to buy basic material for living like food, clothes, and house. Also, They have to purchase what they want to buy for fun. This is related to the Second aspect of living, which is accomplishing. A person can’t be happy if he does not have a goal and achieve something. Work is a burden and sometimes boring or hard to do, but in the end it brings us joy by making us feel we’re worthy in society. Most of the people value each other by the work they have, because it shows many sociological status such as wealth, power, and personal connections. Therefore, one is working to get those quality and be recognized as a charming person because socializing is also one of the most important factors of life.  

Week 8(Extra) Do you like the idea of internet voting? Why or why not?

I'm in favor of Internet voting. Voting is the most basic civil right in a democratic society, and politics can only flow fairly if this is exercised correctly. But even if there is a pre-voting system to allow as many people as possible, there are always people who can't vote due to circumstances. But online voting can overcome spatial limitations and dramatically increase voter turnout. I think this will be of great help, especially for the disabled who have difficulty moving around. Online voting can also bring great economical benefit. You can save not only time to decide on a vote but also administrative costs. There is no need to check the paper one by one, and the results can be checked quickly. If we had to vote duting the recent spread of the epidemic, a huge budget will be spent on hygiene control. However, you can do it conveniently despite of various disasters, including infectious diseases.  

Week 8(Extra) Do you like the idea of internet voting? Why or why not?

Do you like the idea of internet voting? Why or why not? I'm against Internet voting. To be honest with you, they are 'not yet' opposed. There is only one reason. This is because voting on the Internet can be wrong due to errors. The reason I said "not yet" is because I think we can spread Internet voting when the chances of such errors are really small due to the technology's further development. And although Internet voting is still possible, I think it has not been realized yet because there must be some problems that these points bring. There will be many advantages if you vote on the Internet after technology advances. First of all, it will be of great help to those who could not vote because they can vote even if they don't go to the voting place. People who are subject to isolation, like the Corona phenomenon, will be able to vote easily. That is why I hope that Internet voting will spread once the system is settled as soon as possible.

Week 2 (Extra) Why do people work?

Why do people work? Why do people work? Why are they trying to accomplish something? There are two main reasons. To make money, or honor. However, the average person will work because they need money to live by properly solving food, clothing, and shelter. He works every day, struggling to make money for things he doesn't do well, things he doesn't really care about. All education until elementary, middle and high schools, and college, is ultimately aimed at finding jobs. But this is not all the reason for doing things. Some people work for fame, ie for power. To achieve something in a higher position, he constantly works and tries to create a society that grows and grows on its own. In addition, people who want to make any contribution to society work. I am trying to change the hard work, the things that need to be improved. Work is one of the things we really find hard and sometimes don't want to do and want to rest, but there is a reason why each person works, so f...

Week 9(Extra) How can we reduce the suicide rates in Korea?

 How can we reduce the suicide rates in Korea? I think one of the biggest reasons for the constant suicide phenomenon in Korea is that it is difficult to live properly in society. There are so many demands from society and they are having a hard time getting a job, so people who are stressed out in this area often choose to commit suicide. In addition, they are forced to make extreme decisions when they are in a difficult situation, such as being too poor economically or being pressed for debt. However, there is no way we can reduce this suicide rate. Making a better society, helping each other and giving to those in need is the best way for me as a student. However, if the government tries to present policies or solutions for the people in difficult situations at the national level, I think there will certainly be a big change in the suicide rate.

Week 13(Extra) How many foreigners live in korea? where are they from?

How many foreigners live in korea? where are they from? There are many foreigners living in Korea. Especially in areas where many foreigners reside, the proportion is increasing to the point where the distribution is similar to that of Koreans. Many foreigners come from Asian countries such as South Africa, China, Japan, and Vietnam, and in addition, very few come from countries such as the United States and Britain. As China and Japan are closely related to Korea, the percentage of residents is high, and people in South Africa and Vietnam are often living in Korea by getting jobs, indicating that they are living in Korea.

Topic: why people cooperate with one another. How do they know what to do

Topic: why people cooperate with one another. How do they know what to do Summary People cooperate. Usually gathered to promote one's own interests. In addition to simple profit-making activities, the purpose is to increase convenience through the cooperation of each member. It can be for profit or for non-profit purposes. However, there are some disadvantages of poor efficiency. The structure that each member must gather together is much less efficient than doing it alone if each member fails to perform it properly.  Interesting I thought again about what cooperation is. And I found that cooperation is not always good. When several people get together, it should be better, but paradoxically, a worse situation is possible. But when people gather, everything is cooperation. People need cooperation.  Discussion What would our lives be like without cooperation? The cooperation has made many things possible for mankind. But increasingly the world is focus...

Topic: how to reduce the digital divide

Topic: how to reduce the digital divide Summary The representative is Google's project loon. Project loon is a project by Google to supply Wi-Fi using balloons. Two-thirds of the world's population cannot use the Internet. So the project loon came out to allow people living in remote areas and remote areas to access the Internet. It also allows access to the Internet from a disconnect caused by a natural disaster. Balloons pass about 20 kilometers in the stratosphere. The reason why stratosphere is set as flight track is that there is no rapid climate, no atmospheric change in the troposphere, and the direction and speed of the wind are constant, so it is easy to predict where the balloon will fly. It is said that they tested it for 22 days. It circled the earth once and has a flying distance of 500,000 kilometers. It uses solar power as an energy source.  Interesting It is so wonderful to use balloons to make the Internet available. It is only possible for su...

Topic: who is affected by the digital divide, can we think of some groups

Topic: who is affected by the digital divide, can we think of some groups Summary The digital divide refers to the economic and social differences between those who have easy access to information and those who do not. The 21st century means that so much information has been poured out that it is called the information age and the opportunity to access it has increased as much, but the question has changed from "how accurate and necessary information can be obtained" to the question of "how much information can you access?" It is also linked to the gap between the rich and the poor because the more information in their favor gives them more options for action and allows them to move ahead of others. This is because they can benefit from the information obtained and continue to widen the gap with those who do not. It is also seen by many as being linked to class-trafficking voting. Many organizations are trying to present and realize solutions to this probl...

Topic: why men and women chose different fields to study

Topic: why men and women chose different fields to study Summary Information processing related to human memory, thinking, and solving problems is done in the brain. The human exterior is divided into two hemispheres, almost identical, which have different functional characteristics. Human left hemisphere and right hemisphere have different functions. The left side of the brain has linguistic, systematic, temporal, logical, analytical and rational functions. The right side of the brain functions non-verbal, temporal and spatial, simultaneous, morphological, intuitive and comprehensive. Men have a strong function of the right brain, and women have a strong function of the left brain. In other words, men prefer the characteristics of the right brain, and women prefer the characteristics of the left brain. That is why there is a difference in academic and professional preferences between men and women.  Interesting Men and women are different. Therefore, preference i...

Topic: is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today, if so,, where

Topic: is there ethnic cleansing or genocide happening today, if so,, where Summary Hong Kong's political interference with Hong Kong by the Chinese Communist Party intensified, and as mainlanders rushed to Hong Kong en masse, jobs were lost and real estate prices targeting ordinary people rose, and Hong Kong people's feelings toward the mainland began to deteriorate. In particular, anti-mainland sentiment among the working class and young people who think they have suffered direct damage is getting worse. Some of Hong Kong's writers and journalists were missing, who were taken by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China on a trip to the Chinese continent. Rumors spread that the Chinese Communist Party was behind the arrest of them on the mainland, prompting protests demanding their release. Hong Kong people take this seriously because they did not detain or detain the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong in the past for complying with...

Topic: how are foreigners treated in Korea

Topic: how are foreigners treated in Korea Summary It is easy to think of only examples of multi-ethnic countries such as the U.S., but since Korea is a land of people, people of various races continue to come and go, and other races such as African and Nordic tribes, not just Northeast Asians, are already living or naturalized in Korea. In the case of modern Korea, racism against people from the third world, such as Africa, South America, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia, is becoming a serious social problem. Third-world countries have fallen out of the ranks of advanced countries or into the poorest countries due to various factors such as civil war for political and religious reasons, failure of domestic policies, or stagnant growth due to an overly dependent economic structure on certain factors. Therefore, people from these three world countries entered Korea with the so-called "Korean Dream" as industrial trainees, low-skilled factory workers, and construction...

Topic: how many foreigners live in Korea, where are they from

Topic: how many foreigners live in Korea, where are they from Summary A foreigner means a person who does not have the nationality of a country in which he/she resides or stays, and his/her legal status is, in principle, the same as the people of that country, but is restricted from legal rights related to suffrage, mining ownership, immigration, etc. According to Korean national statistics, there are currently about 2.3 million foreigners living in Korea. China, Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Uzbekistan, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Taiwan, Mongolia, Kazashtan, Canada and Russia are mainly residing there.  Interesting It is surprising that foreigners usually live in cities. The reason is that people's discrimination decreases as they are in cities, and discrimination against foreigners increases as they become more rural. And because most of the foreigners came for jobs, job-rich cities have an advantage.  Discussion What is the dif...

Topic: what races do you think exist

Topic: what races do you think exist Summary Race is the concept of randomly dividing and classifying groups of people who are perceived to have differences, citing their physical, social, and cultural characteristics among humans. In general, it is easy to think that only external and biological characteristics such as skin color and genes are taken into account, but there are factors such as culture, traditional customs, and religion. This can be found especially in areas with a wide range of ethnic interracial interbreeding, such as Latin America, Central Asia, and India. The most widely used is the classification of white, black and yellow. The creation of this distinction stems from the fact that each nation distinguishes between a close group and a distant group according to its origin in the process of connecting the world into a single network since the 19th century, which is surprisingly recently established as the three major groups of so-called yellow/white/black p...

Topic: what’s the function of poverty

Topic: what’s the function of poverty Summary Poverty means poor living. It is interpreted that human beings do not have the basic right to live, such as food needed for survival, hygiene and health, satisfying dietary principles, and minimal education. Some poverty is caused by social structural defects. Poverty has plagued mankind from the very beginning. Poverty makes it possible to see structural flaws in the state or society, to think about what humanity is, and to achieve technological advancement. Therefore, poverty helps in many ways.  Interesting It was a wonder that much was derived from poverty. Poverty can be experienced by anyone, and it is still a big problem. Humanity was always with poverty. Therefore, they prefer the direction of solving poverty rather than completely conquering it.  Discussion If everyone were equal, would poverty be eliminated? Of course it is impossible for everyone to be equal. But now the world has all its wealth c...

Topic: do you think this could happen

Topic: do you think this could happen Summary Equality, along with freedom, is the most important concept in humanities and sociology, including human history and philosophy. Equality, referred to today, is a concept that encompasses not only absolute equality where something is the same, but also practical equality, a situation in which it is agreed to be socially equitable. You cannot satisfy all equality at the same time. Practical equality is to put the same things in some circumstances, other than trying to assess, recognize differences, and ignore them. What is to admit the difference and what the rest are, in other words, what is true practical equality, is determined through discussions among members of society. Inequality would then be the opposite of these. Can inequality make a revolution? A revolution usually means a group of citizens, etc., to drastically change the existing political system by causing civil movements, uprisings, etc. Because of this image, it is...

Topic: why would people burn the flag of the USA, what is it a symbol of

Topic: why would people burn the flag of the USA, what is it a symbol of Summary Riots are the language of neglected beings. Riot refers to 'a task that does not reach civil war but causes collective violence to disturb the well-being and order of society.' Usually, some social factors, such as demonstrations, civil movements, became violent or suppressed, explode by starting an event. In such a case, the government could go as far as shaking the nation's foundation if it fails to crack down. Many revolutions were magnified into riots. Of course, there is also a strategy to dismantle the other country and social system by dispatching spies to induce intentional riots.  Interesting Civil movements must be respected. Civic movements should refrain from violence except in special circumstances, and even if they fail to reach a compromise and have to use violence, they should exercise it within the boundaries of the Constitution. In addition, state public powe...

Topic: how do we shape our behavior because of others

Topic: how do we shape our behavior because of others Summary Looking glass self refers to the self-development content in which one learns who one is through three stages of self-esteem, such as perception of how one's own actions appear to others, how one's own actions are judged by others, and pride or shame as a result of another's judgment. In general, when you feel that others think well of you and positively acknowledge your actions, you not only affirm yourself but also think of your actions fairly. It shows three characteristics. First, humans are characterized in that they are complex symbol-rigging animals. Second, such meaning is not universal, fixed, or absolute. Third, emphasize the units that interact.  Interesting When everyone feels that others generally think well of their actions and positively acknowledge their actions, they not only affirm themselves but also think of their actions fairly. Of course I do. But when I approached this theor...

Topic: most important values in Korea are responsibility, hard work and thrift Why?

Topic: most important values in Korea are responsibility, hard work and thrift Why? Summary Among the three, I would like to talk about saving. Korea likes saving. So why? The definition of thrift is not to spend money recklessly, but to spend only what is absolutely necessary. If you are good at saving, you are very likely to become rich later on. This is because Korea is a country that lacks resources in all aspects because it lacks territory, natural resources, and because it is a peninsula terrain. And Koreans love to be rich. Therefore, saving is a must for Koreans.  Interesting Saving money, but the reason was clear. In particular, it seems that there exists an unprovoked saving. I think it is a characteristic that I gained naturally while living in Korea. But saving is not a bad thing, so at least I think it's a good culture.  Discussion Is there a country that regards not saving as a virtue? It is said that the U.S. also puts saving. Since it was fo...

Topic: why inequality creates disorder

Topic: why inequality creates disorder Summary Inequality refers to a state in which individuals in a society do not have equal social status. The cause of inequality is social scarcity value, which many members of society value, but rare values are divided differently, which in turn leads to social inequality. In any society of any age, people's physical characteristics, talents, interests, etc. are different, so social status is given based on these differences, which eventually creates ranking.  Interesting I knew that inequality was due to scarcity after all. Precisely due to scarce resources. And that's what everyone wants, but not everyone can have. These resources continue to change as times change. This means that the causes of inequality continue to change.  Discussion Resources are worth scarcity. What would happen if everyone wanted something not sparse? Rarely, conflicts arise and eventually leads to inequality. So without these conflicts, doe...

Topic: color pink is associated with girls, why

Topic: color pink is associated with girls, why Summary Pink is a mixture of red and white. It can give a slightly milder and softer atmosphere than red. On the other hand, it is also considered a color that gives off a sensational atmosphere along with red. It was only recently that the stereotype that pink is this woman's color has emerged. Until the 19th century, there was no such prejudice, and in Europe, boys were dressed in pink as a symbol of boys. Just as the effects of color on humans and living things are still being studied today, pink has also been studied, which is generally known to stabilize the mind and body. Experiments in prisons and other places said that pink causes blood pressure to drop and violence to decrease, so many prison cells were painted pink or classrooms were painted, and it was popular in the U.S. as it actually worked. As women are softer than men, pink is perceived as the color of women.  Interesting It is surprising that pink ha...

Topic: why people cooperate with one another. How do they know what to do

Topic: why people cooperate with one another. How do they know what to do Summary People cooperate. Usually gathered to promote one's own interests. In addition to simple profit-making activities, the purpose is to increase convenience through the cooperation of each member. It can be for profit or for non-profit purposes. However, there are some disadvantages of poor efficiency. The structure that each member must gather together is much less efficient than doing it alone if each member fails to perform it properly.  Interesting I thought again about what cooperation is. And I found that cooperation is not always good. When several people get together, it should be better, but paradoxically, a worse situation is possible. But when people gather, everything is cooperation. People need cooperation.  Discussion What would our lives be like without cooperation? The cooperation has made many things possible for mankind. But increasingly the world is focused...

Topic: is modern democracy really the will of the people

Topic: is modern democracy really the will of the people Summary Since democracy is a man-made idea to the utmost, its limitations exist naturally. Regrettably, however, most people often don't even know what democracy is in the first place because they can't afford to think deeply about it, and often criticize it and attack the wrong part. The most frequently attacked part is 'the majority has authority, but it is not always justifiable.' Modern democracy is not synonymous with the principle of majority rule. A majority decision is nothing but a means to realize democracy. In a democracy, majority rule is only a means of voting, and the essence will be in the direction of matching the ruler with the subject or toward reason and public interest.  Interesting Most people, without knowing exactly what democracy is, are often immersed in the vague idea that we have the best system now, giving up interest in politics and only vaguely loathing about politic...

Topic: what other things are tax deductible

Topic: what other things are tax deductible Summary There are many deduction systems in Korea. Examples include earned income tax deductions, personal tax deductions, credit card deductions and child tax deductions. Earned income deduction is the deduction of a certain amount from the total amount of benefits to calculate the tax base for earned income. Personal deduction is a system that deducts a certain amount from taxable income in consideration of personal information about the taxpayer himself or his family. Credit card deduction refers to a 15 percent income tax deduction for credit card use used in excess of 25 percent of the total salary regardless of the salary. Child tax deduction is a system that deducts a certain amount from the calculated tax amount if a child is eligible for the basic tax deduction when calculating the aggregate income tax amount of a resident.  Interesting Taxes are essential for the operation of a country. If so, there are various...

Topic: why do you think this is the case

Topic: why do you think this is the case Summary The person who is called the most powerful man in real history is called Stalin. Given the cracks in the communist regime upon his death, coercive power cannot last long in modern society. The essence of power is those who surround it and without it, power cannot impose any coercion. Even if you are in the position of leader in this era of democracy's dominance, you must unconditionally follow the laws of democracy as stipulated in the Constitution, whether formal or substantive. This means that nothing can be done by coercion.  Interesting It is very surprising that Stalin was the man with the strongest power in mankind. Of course, I don't know if he used coercion mainly or not, but it must have been necessary to have at least that much power. But coercion can never last forever, even in the eyes of the divided Communist bloc as soon as he dies. Coercion can never last forever because all human beings want a fr...

Topic: has valentine’s day commodified love

Topic: has valentine’s day commodified love Summary In the Roman era, military personnel were forbidden to marry. Because worried that It would leave the military because It missed his family. Since Emperor Augustus established the Imperial Defense Network, military units deployed along the border have often been deployed elsewhere, so marriage has caused many problems. Of course, it was legal to prevent marriage, but in fact, there were cases where children were raised secretly and then officially married after being discharged from the military. According to the legend of origin, a priest named Valentino was found and executed for breaking the law and secretly arranging marriages for each other's loved ones. It is known that Valentine's Day was created in honor of this, and it is uncertain whether it is an actual person, but see it as at least a partial sum of the real person.  Interesting In modern times, it has become a day to give gifts to the opposite se...

Topic: it is estimated that world’s supply of oil will run out within about 50 years. What consequences may it have on our society

Topic: it is estimated that world’s supply of oil will run out within about 50 years. What consequences may it have on our society Summary There is a substitute for oil. The bottom line is that there is no substitute, but it is uncertain how long it will take for a substance that is perfectly efficient with oil to come out. Experts say it will take at least 50 years to replace the empty spots in oil and stabilize society with new technologies. Among them is solar energy in particular, and energy sources will not need to be worried if only high-efficiency conversion methods of solar power are developed. The energy given by the sun is enormous compared to the energy consumed by all mankind. It is virtually an infinite resource. However, the main use of oil is for transportation such as automobiles and airplanes. And it's a major raw material for plastics. As modern chemical technology is also developing day by day, it is possible to make plastics with completely different m...

Topic: why Korean and poles value the environment less than Americans, Austrailian, Chinese or japanese

Topic: why Korean and poles value the environment less than Americans, Austrailian, Chinese or japanese Summary Poland had a severe economic crisis in the 1980s. There were many mistakes in foreign currency management. Under the Edward Gierrek government in the early '70s, the government implemented an economic opening policy, when it was good to borrow a large sum of money from the West and build a factory. Numerous tourists flocked from the West to Poland and the economy grew rapidly again. The problem was internally planned economy and externally operated in a Western way, and the oil shock dampened exports, coupled with interest rate hikes, led to massive foreign debts and eventually worsened. Thus, he reduced welfare policies to pay off his foreign debts and caused confusion. Large-scale riots and anti-government movements have occurred and suffered negative growth. Korea is the Korean War broke out after the Japanese colonial exploitation, fell into extreme difficulti...

Topic: why is God in Christianity often portrayed as a male

Topic: why is God in Christianity often portrayed as a male Summary God is strong. God is omnipotent. God is never weak. So who is stronger, male or female? Biologically, this man is stronger than women. Then wouldn't it be natural to paint God as a man?  Interesting In Christianity, God is portrayed as a man. But other religions also express God as a man, woman, or animal. What is the particular emphasis on men in Christianity? At least I think that's how I expressed it with the symbolism of power. Power is important. If you have power, you can beat the powerless. Christianity essentially presupposes an omnipotent God. And perfect and flawless. That's why he drew it as a man because he thinks that he is strong in the human eye.  Discussion If so, are there any religions that like weakness? Wouldn't there be religions that are comforted by weak things and seek stability? Almighty is good, but there is also a question of whether there is a religio...

Topic: what do you think Marx meant by that

Topic: what do you think Marx meant by that Summary The state should not be involved in religion, and religious organizations should have nothing to do with the state. Not only should anyone be able to confess his or her favorite religion very freely, but also that he or she has no religion, that is, that he or she is an atheist, as is usually the case with all socialists. Discrimination against citizens on the grounds of faith is never acceptable. The stipulation of citizens' religion in official documents must also be abolished. Marxists think that the only true abolition of religion is the disappearance of the social sources of religion, alienation, exploitation and oppression, and the gradual annihilation of religion. As a result, religion comes from a Marxist point of view when there is a socially problematic element and is treated as an old-fashioned relic and a bad habit that will naturally fade away when socialist ideals are achieved. In a word, Marxists say that ...

Topic: what function religion may have

Topic: what function religion may have Summary Religion refers to a religious community of people who share faith in transcendental, priori, or spiritual beings with the aim of seeking spiritual stability away from uncertainty, and their religious or cultural system. Religious people mainly have their own beliefs about transcendental objects, the ultimate truth about the world, and what morality a person keeps and how to live. "People with religion have thicker cerebral cortex than people who don't," said a research team at the University of America."Legalism has the effect of reducing uncertainties in our lives," he said in announcing the results of the study.  Interesting The religious development of mankind has been parallel with the times.  All of these elements are very different from each other, but they are not collected separately at all, but are always associated with and converging to form a net, making them surprisingly similar to an...

Topic: can we think of examples of cultures that were mot tolerated in korea in the past but became accepted in recent years?

Topic: can we think of examples of cultures that were mot tolerated in korea in the past but became accepted in recent years? Summary 남녀칠세부동석 is a phenomenon in which men and women do not sit together after the age of seven. This was a rule for the succession of the throne and the ethics of the ruling class spread to the common people and began to affect Korea. For example, the number of portraits of women who were actively produced decreases significantly over time. He avoided even looking from place to place with women in front of him to paint. While the extreme case has disappeared as it came to modern society, it remains one of the important virtues of the older generation in the region where the ethics of Confucian society are still strong. In the past, most middle and high schools in Korea were divided into male and female schools, and even coeducational schools were often divided into male and female schools. Even elementary school was divided into men and women from h...

Topic: how has globalization changed our society

Summary Globalization refers to the phenomenon in which the world is moving toward a single system as interdependence between countries increases in the international community.  The economic, scientific, cultural, and even political power have deepened interdependence, weakening the boundaries of the nation's nation-state and consolidating the world community around the economy, leading the world to become one. Usually, the development of transportation and the development of information communication technology are viewed as conditions of globalization. Globalization in the political arena is a multi-national diplomacy in which democracy has been established and multilateralized around the world, reducing the risk of war through mutual checks among countries and enabling joint cooperation and coping with global crises such as global warming. Globalization in the economic sector is closely related to trade liberalization and the expansion of capital movements in the financia...

Topic: can we think of any example how technology has changed our culture

Topic: can we think of any example how technology has changed our culture Summary The Fourth Industrial Revolution means a change in the industrial environment in which automation and connectivity are maximized through artificial intelligence. In general, machine learning and the development of artificial intelligence are considered major means. Just as one machine replaced hundreds of workers in the past, this time one program, one computer, will be able to replace hundreds of or hundreds of thousands of professionals. The reason why the new generation feels the generation gap between each other despite the smaller age gap than the old generation is because the speed of technological innovation and commercialization has been significantly faster than in the past.  Interesting Certainly it's different now than it used to be. The pace of technology's growth is enormous day by day, and society is changing so fast that you wonder how they lived in the past. I fel...

Topic: what tool utensil will you use in your next meal? Why will you chose it, and would it matter if you chose a different one, or none at all?

Topic: what tool utensil will you use in your next meal? Why will you chose it, and would it matter if you chose a different one, or none at all? Summary Do you know Spork? This is a combination of spoons and forks. Korean men are obliged to serve in the military. This is one of the most memorable things that I have been to. Exactly who made it at what time is unknown, just like any other tableware. Unexpectedly, it is not a modern idea product, but it is quite an old thing that already existed in Europe during the Middle Ages. This is inconvenient but easy to move. It is often used in military, catering, camping, hiking and outdoor activities because it is also more storable and portable than carrying a spoon and two chopsticks. However, the performance of either spoon or fork is ambiguous, making it difficult to use. However, it is still a good thing for soldiers to this day because there is nothing like a single tableware.  Interesting Tableware is quite simila...